A high-level Data Security Platform
We create information systems for the security and defense of Ukraine using the UnityBaseDefense platform, created to solve the tasks of the defense and security sphere
UnityBaseDefense is a high-performance, Ukrainian RAD platform. It provides high fault tolerance and security, a high level of integration with other applications. It is very important that the solutions developed on the basis of the UnityBaseDefense platform use reliable solutions that will allow you to organize effective information protection.
The implemented functionality in the field of security meets the requirements of the regulatory document 2.5-004-99 "Criteria for assessing the security of information in computer systems from unauthorized access" and provides the G-3 level of guarantees, which is confirmed by the relevant expert opinion No. 688 dated 10.31.2016
The main advantages
- authorization using an electronic signature;
- data encryption in real time;
- increased level of protection against unauthorized access;
- auditing and logging;
- simplified administration, flexible demarcation of access rights.